NURS 417 Informatics

Purpose of Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to apply telehealth principles to a patient teaching interaction.

Student Approach to Assignment: My patient for this was chosen based on a real condition and patient concern of a friend. I conducted this telehealth interaction as if I were a nurse working at this patient’s primary care provider. The patient had recently been diagnosed with prediabetes and was prescribed Metformin. During the patient’s diagnosis, they were not given information about prediabetes or about taking their prescription. I sought to answer these questions in my telehealth teaching.

Reason for Inclusion of the Assignment in the Portfolio: I included this assignment because it serves as a great example of how telehealth can be used for regular follow-up appointments and patient education. It also shows my ability to interact with a patient in a respectful and professional manner and provide through patient teaching.

Outcome 39:

Demonstrates skills in using technology, informatics, and communication devices to deliver care using remote technology.

I demonstrated my skills using Zoom in remote communication devices to deliver patient education. I was able to address patient concerns by using audio and video remotely via computer. However, this could also have been done via phone conversation to deliver effective patient care.

Outcome 40:

Use evidence-based patient teaching materials, considering health literacy, vision, hearing, and cultural sensitivity.

Through my initial conversations with the patient and using previous data, I determined the patient's health literacy level along with their visual and audio acuity to know which type of learning materials was best for them. The patient preferred verbal instructions. Therefore, I used up-to-date materials and information from the American Diabetes Association to ensure that I gave accurate and reliable information. I also discussed common side effects of their metformin based on the manufacturer's most up-to-date drug guide information.