NURS 412 Ethics Policy Economics

Purpose of Assignment: The purpose of the assignment is to provide the student with an opportunity to analyze an ethical issue in healthcare. An ethical decision-making model will be used along with application of ethical principles and the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses.

Student Approach to Assignment: I started by reflecting on my emergency department clinical rotation to identify something I experienced that I believe is a true ethical dilemma with no absolute right or wrong answer. I chose this patient interaction because it seems that no matter which choice one would choose, it seems to conflict with the American Nurses Association's scope of practice. I wanted to spend time researching and reflecting on this situation to decide how I felt about it and how I feel it should be best handled per current ethical guidelines and legalities.

Reason for Inclusion of the Assignment in the Portfolio: I included this assignment because it underscores my ability to integrate interdisciplinary knowledge into nursing practice, specifically regarding ethical, legal, and humanistic aspects of care. It exemplifies my commitment to upholding the highest standards of patient care while navigating the complex legal and regulatory frameworks that influence nursing practice.

Outcome 26:

Applies research-based knowledge from the arts, humanities, and sciences to complement nursing practice.

I applied research-based knowledge to my nursing practice by integrating insights from various disciplines, as seen in my concept map. The references included research on the psychological impacts of restraints from the humanities perspective, helping me understand and communicate ethical considerations and patient-centered approaches in psychiatric nursing. This exemplifies how nurses must incorporate knowledge from additional outside perspectives to truly understand how their medical care impacts patients.

Outcome 36:

Understands the effect of legal and regulatory processes on nursing practice and health care delivery.

I incorporated specific regulations regarding restraint usage, such as the Virginia code referenced in the concept map. This understanding informs my practical application of restraints and guides nurses in adhering to legal standards, ensuring that patient care respects other word considerations in statutory requirements. This knowledge is crucial for advocating for patient rights and understanding the boundaries and responsibilities within nursing practice.